Wednesday 18 February 2015

Marathon runner Crawls more than 400 meters to cross the Finish Line as She Couldn't get back On Her Feet

Kenyan runner Hyvon Ngetich who had been leading most of the race at the Austin Marathon and was supposed to finish at the 1st place in a race suddenly started to wobble and stagger, and eventually fell down. She attempted to get back up and keep running but was unsuccessful.

But Ngetich never stopped moving forward.

With members of the race team 's medical staff walking on all sides cheering her on, Ngetich crawled to the finish line.

"As bad as it looks, we knew she was prepared to finish," A reporter said.

With just 2 meters left for her to crawl, Ngetich was passed by second place finisher Hannah Steffan. Ngetich placed third, with a time of 3:04:02.

Ngetich crawled more than 400 meters (1,312 feet) to cross the finish line, leaving her knees and elbows bloodied and her hands stained from the pavement.

She was immediately rushed to a medical tent, where she was treated for dangerously low blood sugar.

Ngetich told CNN affiliate KEYE she doesn't remember finishing the race.

Her "exceptional effort," inspired applause from nearly every marathon spectator and inspired the organizers of the event to adjust her prize money so she receives the same amount of money as if she'd come in second.

See video of the Marathon race below:

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