Monday 16 February 2015

Two Men Engage in a Fist Fight Over Generator Smoke - One Ends Up Dead

29 year old man Ibrahim Tijani, a bricklayer is currently being detained at the Ogombo police station in the Okun Ajah area of Lagos state for killing his 57 year old neighbor, Bashorun Okanla during an argument that ensued over fumes emanating from his generator.

According to Punch, the men reside at an uncompleted building in the Okun Ajah. Ogombo area of Lagos state

On the day of the unfortunate incident,  Bashorun Okanla had approached Tijani  and told him that the fumes coming out of his generator was disturbing him not knowing that the worst was about to happen. argument ensued and Bashorun Okanla lost his life as the argument resulted into a fight.

The two men got into a fist fight and before anyone could stop it, Tijani went into his house, got a cutlass and attacked Bashorun with it. Tijani cut him on the head and hand. Bashorun was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Tijani then immediately reported himself to the Ogombo police station where he told them what happened
“On Sunday, I turned on my generator and when Baba Ade (Okanla) asked me to turn it off, I refused. Then he used a stick to hit me and we started fighting. A neighbour came and separated us and asked me to sit down beside him. But Baba Ade still went and destroyed my generator. I became angry and went inside my house and picked my cutlass. I used it on him”.
Confirming the incident, the Lagos state Police Public Relations Officer, Nwosu Kenneth said further investigation on the matter was ongoing.

Source: Punch

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