Tuesday 17 February 2015

Doctors Surgically Remove Huge Tumour From a 61 Year Old Man's Cheek

A desperate grandfather has had a tumour that weighed a stone and grew to twice the size of his head removed after he walked for three days to seek help. Sambany revealed that he took on the extraordinary mission after hearing about a brilliant charity that performs medical treatments in some of the poorest nations on earth.

Mercy Ships runs out of an ocean liner that docks in various ports and then opens its doors to offer free, state-of-the-art health care to those in need.

Although the team is chocked full of hugely experienced doctors, surgeons and other medical professionals, few had worked on a tumour the size of Sambany’s. The Madagascan, who walked for 72 hours to reach the port of Toamasina and is in his 60s, first noticed something was wrong while he was in his 20s.

He first developed a swelling in his left cheek that began to grown - eventually becoming almost twice the size of his head.

Following a successful operation, Sambany was handed a mirror to see himself without the tumour for the first time in four decades.

The delighted grandfather told doctors he was very happy, before he was told he must now remain on the boat and recover for a couple of months.

The executive Director of Mercy Ships UK Judy Polkinhorn, said: 

"Thanks to the expert skill of our amazing volunteers Mercy Ships are able to carry out such incredible, life-changing surgeries."I am so touched to hear about Sambany's story – he really epitomises what the charity is all about."

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